​​​​​​​​"There has to be more to this!"
Say most people in this world after achieving everything they believed they desired. A valuable degree from a world class university - check!, a high paying job - check!, access to travel and other everyday luxuries - check!, getting your kids into reputable private school - check! and working to build a hefty cash amount in the savings account (yes, you guessed it, CHECK!!)
Most people eventually get tired of the daily mundane and what used to be an exciting unfolding of the fast life in this magical foreign land becomes predictable. Many people start believing the problem is them and that they are too bored, procrastinating and lacking the zest for life they once held not too long ago.
They will be relieved to know it is none of the above.
Most people get to the feeling of stagnancy, unfulfilled and experience low key depression because of a lack of a grand compelling vision for their future.
This was the story of George, a Canadian expat working in the UAE for the last 8 years. He is a husband and a loving father of 2 young kids. He has a great bungalow, access to luxuries like a nice car and domestic help, his kids go to a renowned International American school and during evenings and weekends, him and his family hang out with fun group of fellow Canadian, American and UK expats as well as some pretty great locals.
George is proud of himself and what he has been able to create in this magical land far away from home for himself and his family and yet here he was, in search of a new adventure. Passively researching an Italian restaurant he can start, the online drop ship Amazon business him and his wife can run or even just the possibility of getting on a new construction project his company was recently awarded, though he killed this option pretty quickly since it will require him to be away from his home and young family for 3-4 days every week.
He is stuck. Frustrated. Never afraid of taking risks and hard work, he continues to search online for inspiration of something that speaks to his soul and offers him an adventure, an opportunity to grow his skills while building a grand future with complete freedom for himself and his family.
It all changed in that one moment. He found what he was looking for. He found something that spoke to his soul.
While attending an event hosted by CBC (Canadian Business Council) in his host city with his fellow Canadian expat friends, George came across an idea, a possibility that changed the course of his life forever.
His grand vision and dream became to build his own real estate portfolio of over 10 properties back home in Toronto in the span of the next 10 years fully remotely while continuing to enjoy the perks of his international employment and lifestyle.
This vision spoke to him, it offered him excitement, adventure, freedom, and financial security by simultaneously building wealth completely separate from the traditional path of employment.
Through a strategic plan and action, George has been on an adventure and with the help of the team at Ivey Investments, a premier one-stop-shop real estate acquisition and management firm serving Canadian Expats build and grow their property portfolio from overseas, and is currently working on acquiring his 5th investment condo in the heart of Downtown Toronto, especially during this time since the property prices are still affordable.
A great mind once said...
"Buy when the market is low and Sell when the market is high, this is where real wealth is made"
In addition to building wealth, owning property back home in Toronto provides backup options in case of any unpleasant surprises with employment or economic instability. It is an asset worth owning as it unlocks an array of options during anytime in their journey. Best part? Real estate in Toronto, Canada is inheritable and stays with you in your lineage forever! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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5 Questions to Consider as a Canadian Expat
Do you ever worry about the uncertainty of staying in a foreign country long-term without a stable asset back home in Canada?
Have you considered what it would mean to own a piece of home in Canada, providing a secure base for you or your family in an ever-changing world?
Do you sometimes feel that your achievements abroad aren’t building anything lasting for you back home?
Are you concerned about missing out on the growth of Toronto’s real estate market while you're investing in other places that may not feel like ‘home’?
If the unexpected happened, do you have a permanent place to return to in Canada where you feel secure and established?